Lograck is a fully customizable logging bot for your server with (webhook logging, ignore feature, advance logging and much more features).
Welcome To LogRack's Page
What is LogRack?
Lograck is a fully customizable logging bot for your server with (webhook logging, ignore feature, advance logging and much more features).
How to setup LogRack?
You can setup the bot by using command +setup and it will start an interactive session to setup logging for your server also it requires manage_guild and manage_channels permission in order to create logging channel for you and setup everything. If you want to setup logging in a specific channel not not give bot the permission which are need for the +setup command you can use command +log all <#channel> and it will setup all logging in that channel, and its recommended to give bot view_audit_log permission in order the get the entries for the log.
- Log Config - An advanced way to manage logging.
- Log Cpl - Shows the changes made in the logging.
- Log Enable/Disable - Enable/Disable whole logging.
- Log Delete - Delete all data of logging for your server.
- Log Toggle - Enable/Disable a secific logging.
- Log All - Setup all logging in the specified channel.
Currently these are are following logging available: messagelog, serverlog, channellog, memberlog, rolelog, voicelog, reactionlog, commandlog, pinglog, joinlog, leavelog, modlog, threadlog
How to manage LogRack:
If you want to change prefix use command Prefix <prefix> and mention what prefix you want then it will be change the prefix, if you forgot your server prefix you can always check prefix by mentioning the bot and prefix eg. @lograck prefix.
If you want to change server timezone you can use command Timezone <timezone> and it will set your server timezone, you can view all the available timezone by clicking here.
These Commands have the following sub-commands:
- advanced - Enable/Disable advanced logging.
- ignorebot - Enable/Disable bot logging.
- ignore - Adds/Remove an object fro mthe ignore list.
- event - Starts an interactive session do disable a specifc event of a specific logging.
- list - Shows a list of ignored user/channel/role object.
- config - Shows the config for the specific logging.
- webhook- Enable/Disable webhook logging.
Example of how to use the commands above:
- +messagelog advanced <- Will enable advanced message logging if is not enabled yet.
- +messagelog event <- Will starts an interactive session to disable/enable a specific event via buttons.
And so on...
Important Links
Invite Bot | Support Server | Bot Developer (ggashish#6132)


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